Working Long Hours

Ridwan Firdaus
3 min readMay 23, 2021

Yesterday mark my 2-months working for Accenture Indonesia. The impression I got is the same as when I did an internship back in 2019: competitive. People often put in long hours to get things done or reach a certain goal. I know I have to get used to this culture.

I’m not that kind of person, honestly. I’m not the one who loves working a lot. I love doing something that has immediate effect/satisfaction such as cooking, feeding my fishes, gardening, workout, hanging out with friends, or reading. On the contrary, I still idolize hardworking people like Elon Musk and follow so many Instagram accounts that promote hard work and dedication. LOL

My typical day starts at 8.00 A.M and finishes at 20.00 for 2 times long breaks (1 hour) and 3 short breaks (15-20 minutes). If measured by time spent, I thought that my current working circumstance is enough. At first, I can go to bed with the sense of being productive and without feeling guilty that I should spend more time. But as time goes by and the project moves to the advanced phase, these 12-hours of working still leaves me some tasks that would be better off if it was finished that day, instead of being additions for tomorrow. I also feel insecure because I see lots of colleagues and bosses who spend more time on work.

I realized that I have to work harder (or smarter) than I used to, to be able to catch up with the dynamics and pace in the consultant world…also for my inner peace (as in not to feel guilty).

I came to this conclusion with the awareness of the harmful effect of working long hours and the public’s disagrees with the “hustle culture”. I personally think that there is nothing wrong with having this kind of work experience so that it becomes knowledge for me to design better ways of working in the future.

But then……I have a doubt. Again, I’m not that type of hard-working, workaholic person. I’m not sure I can sacrifice my free time (that often spent on my hobbies) to do more jobs. But I have to. I need to perform well in this industry, absorb new knowledge and skills, and go to bed every day with a sense of pride. So I need to learn how to be that kind of person.

I asked my colleague that demonstrate these characteristics: long hours working and extra effort to get things done. He reminds me to get to know the why. Why #1: Why you have to work long hours? In his case, he aspired to achieve every target his boss gave him that often requires extra effort and long hours working. Why #2: Why he has to achieve any of his boss’ order? Because he has a goal on salary: at a certain age, he must have a salary for a certain IDR. In order to be paid high, he must be in a higher role or in a company that pays better. To be promoted to a higher role or secured a seat in a reputable company, he needs achievements and personal branding. In his case, “a consultant that can achieve ANY target, ANY challenge”. That’s WHY he must do whatever it takes (long hours, extra efforts) to get WHATEVER target his boss gave him.

Salary/Money/Wealth, that is what Bethany Butzer said as his “authentic success”. Authentic success is nothing but our own definition of success.

Guess I need to find my own “authentic success” right now. Bye-bye!

